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U.S. Women Could Be More Obese Than Believed

A new measurement of body fat could better identify obesity, study suggests

By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter

Based on BMI alone, “roughly 30 percent of Americans are obese, but when you use other methods, closer to 60 percent are obese,” he said. “We call BMI the ‘baloney mass index,'” Braverman noted.

“We are fatter than we realize; it’s the percent of body fat, not BMI, that makes you obese,” he explained.

The problem is especially seen among women, because “as women age, they tend to lose bone and replace muscle with fat,” Braverman said.

The report was published online April 2 in the journal PLoS ONE. Source

一項新的研究顯示,目前評估肥胖的方式大大低估了肥胖婦女的實際人數。研究發現,目前依據身體質量指數(BMI)被歸類為非肥胖的婦女,若使用新的方法-注重身體脂肪百分比,幾乎一半的人會重新被標示為肥胖。1300多名參與者接受雙能量X光骨質密度儀器(dual energy Xray absorptiometry,DEXA)掃描的數據顯示,48%的婦女先前使用BMI的歸類法並未列為肥胖,但使用DEXA檢測則會被歸類為肥胖,顯示BMI低估了婦女的實際肥胖比率。此研究刊登在PLoS ONE。

孫銘聰醫師comment: 這篇文章提醒了大家,身體質量指數(BMI)雖然是方便使用的肥胖評估方式,但是卻很難反應到體內身體脂肪百分比(體脂率),尤其是婦女的體脂率,也因此用特殊方式來看體脂率也是評估體型、肥胖的方式之一,文中提到雙能量X光骨質密度儀器就是一種評估方式,不過這方式比較複雜,也需要照射X光,另外一種較簡單的方式就是使用體脂計來評估,也免受X光的輻射線照射,正常女性的體脂率應該在30%以下,正常男性則在25%以下,如果有需要量測的也可以到減肥門診來,這裡提供免費量測體脂的服務,讓大家知道自己究竟是否有肥胖的問題。

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