中文版 / English Version
Affiliated unit
- Department of Internal Medicine – Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- General Nursing Home
Current position
- Chief Physician of Department of Internal Medicine
- Chief Physician of General Nursing Home
- Lecturer appointed by the Ministry of Education, Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College, National Defense University (Lecture No. 103439)
- Member of Diabetes Joint Care Network of Hualien County Health Bureau
- Deputy Secretary-General of Eastern District of Taiwan Association of Obesity Medicine
- The 28th director of Hualien County Physicians Association (2023)
Main education
Department of Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Personal qualifications
- Resident Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital
- Attending Physician, Department of Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital
- Attending Physician of Armed Forces Taipei Outpatient Center, Armed Forces General Hospital
- Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Army Hualien General Hospital
- Attending Physician, Department of Community Medicine, National Army Hualien General Hospital
- Clinical Researcher, Department of Metabolism, Tri-Service General Hospital
- Adjunct teacher, Department of Life Science, School of Science and Technology, Donghua University
License and membership
- Specialist in endocrinology and metabolism (specialist certificate number 0569)
- Internal Medicine Specialist of the Republic of China (specialist certificate number 007760)
- Specialist Physician of Taiwan Association of Obesity Medicine (specialist certificate number 0228)
- Qualified health teacher of the Diabetes Health Education Association of the Republic of China (specialist certificate number 004175)
- Physician of the Republic of China (specialist certificate number 037536)
- Certified Smoking Cessation Physician by National Health Bureau
- Member of the Endocrine Society of the Republic of China
- Member of the Diabetes Society of the Republic of China
- Endocrine diseases
- Endocrine gland diseases: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid (hyperfunction, insufficiency, goiter, thyroiditis, thyroid ultrasound), parathyroid, gonads.
- Pancreatic endocrine and diabetes, insulinoma.
- Diseases of the adrenal cortex and medulla.
- Hypertension caused by endocrine diseases.
- Metabolic diseases
- Nutritional disorders: including obesity, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency.
- Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: diabetes, prediabetes, diabetes care.
- Lipodystrophy: hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, etc.
Calcium and mineral metabolism disorders: such as rickets, osteoporosis, etc. - Metabolic syndrome: central abdominal obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia.
- Obesity medicine
- Secondary obesity caused by endocrine and metabolic system abnormalities.
- Obesity in adults and adolescents.
- Weight loss treatment (diet therapy, exercise therapy, behavior modification, drug therapy)
- General internal diseases
- Fever, cold, cough, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, otitis media, pneumonia, urinary tract infection.
Paper published
- Hypocalcemic Tetany Following Bowel preparation. Acta Nephrologica. 2008; 21:55 (ISSN)
- 藥物耗用標準化之定義每日劑量(defined daily dose)介紹及應用. 感染控制雜誌2008; 18(1):41-46 (ISSN)
- Antithyroid Drug-induced Agranulocytosis. J Chin Med Assoc. 2009 Aug;72(8):438-41. (SCI 2010 IF: 0.678)
- A Randomized, Open-Labeled and Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Kludone Modified Release in the Treatment of Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients Journal Medical Science. 2010;30(1):021-027 (ISSN)
- Symmetrical Brain Calcification. (case report of pseudohypoparathyrodism) American Journal of Medicine. Am J Med. 2010 Feb;123(2):131-3 (SCI impact factor: 5.105; Rank 12%)
- Baseline FEV1 as an Independent Predictor of Development of the Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolism 2010 Jun;59(6):848-53 (SCI impact factor: 2.538)
- Pneumomediastinum Induced by Heroin Inhalation and Exacerbated by Ventilator-induced Barotrauma. Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine 2010;8 (3):181-186(ISSN)
- 淺談類鴉片藥物之運用:對生理之影響及其照護 Introduction in Application of Opioid: Effect on Physiology and Management 重症醫學雜誌 ; 12 卷 1 期 (2011 / 03 / 01) , P9 – 17 (ISSN)
- Intraadrenal Adrenocorticotropin Production in Bilateral Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia : A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Formos J Endocrin Metab Vol. 1 No. 5: 28-33
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, adiponectin, and proinflammatory markers in various subtypes of depression in young men. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2011;42(3):211-26. (SCI IF: 1.029)
- Thyrotropin as an independent factor of renal function and chronic kidney disease in normoglycemic euthyroid adults. Endocr Res. 2012;37(3):110-6. doi: 10.3109/07435800.2011.640374. Epub 2012 May 9.(2013 SCI impact factor: 1.409)
- Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma Presented with Recurrent Kidney Stone and Hypercalcemic Crisis. Adaptive Medicine 10(4): 161-165, 2018.
- Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Factors in relation to Overweight Defined by BMI and “Normal-Weight Obesity”( 社會人口統計學和生活方式因素與 BMI 定義的過重和“正常體重肥胖”相關) 台灣肥胖醫學會會訊 中華民國109年01月 2020年第一期 編號68 肥胖醫學新知—期刊摘錄
- Pros and cons of continuous glucose monitoring in the intensive care unit. World J Clin Cases. 2021 Oct 16;9(29):8666-8670. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i29.8666.
- Cancer as an infectious disease: A different treatment alternative using a combination of tigecycline and pyrvinium pamoate – An example of breast cancer. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2022 Feb;55(1):51-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2020.12.008. Epub 2021 Jan 13.
- Effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan Versus Telmisartan in Type 2 Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic Patients with Hypertension and Without Heart Failure: The Rationale and Design of A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 2022 Apr 8. doi: 10.2174/1871529X22666220408223329. Online ahead of print.
Oral presentation
- Exercise on insulin action, inflammatory cytokine, and serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphate 5a in obese Chinese male adolescents (2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Obesity Medicine)
- Effects of exercise on fasting plasma glucose, inflammatory cytokines and other biochemistry markers in Chinese male adolescents with normal weight (2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Obesity Medicine)
- Thyroid function is associated with the composition of metabolic syndrome in euthyroid Chinese (2010 annual meeting of the Society of Endocrinology and Diabetes of the Republic of China)
Poster published
- Relationship between thyroid status and renal function in normoglycemic adult outpatients (the 36th National Military Medical Symposium in 1998)
- A Randomized, Open-Labeled and Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Kludone Modified Release in the Treatment of Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- (The 36th National Military Medical Symposium in 1998)
- Correlation study on health behavior management of nursing staff in hospitals in Hualien county and city
- Research in Hualien Hospitals Nurses Health Behavior Management
- (The 39th National Military Medical Symposium 101 years)
- Discussing the differences in motivation, body image, adipokines, inflammation index of patients in weight loss clinics and healthy people when losing weight (the 40th National Military Medical Symposium 102 years)
- Nurses Health Management in Hospitals. APNRC 2014